The Eintsein Exhibition is scheduled to open in early Q4, 2024 location ispending and will be posted early in 2024. We will have a seperate ticketing page during that time frame as well so stay tuned. For further information contact [email protected]

Einstein was a hard-headed child. When he was born, seeing the shape of the back of his head, his mother and family believed it was a malformation. Young Einstein had a hard time speaking. He spoke very slowly and without much volume. It was difficult for him to construct whole sentences, until at the age of 9 he began to speak normally

A compass sparked his interest in science.When Einstein was 5 years old and sick in bed, his father gave him a compass and the little boy was fascinated that the needle always pointed to the same place. This made him understand that there were forces that drove things where there was apparently nothing.

He was a talented violinist.One of the most unknown aspects of the physicist’s personal life was his fondness for the violin. At the age of 6 he began to take classes, he himself said that if he had not been a scientist he would have dedicated himself to music.

He could have been Israel’s second president. After the death of Israel’s first president in 1952, Chaim Weizmann, the physicist was a direct candidate to take his place because he was considered “the best living Jew.” However, he immediately rejected the offer arguing that because of his age he did not feel able to assume such responsibility.
5914 W. Courtyard Suite 190
Austin, Texas 78730
512 – 963 – 3327
Other locations:
Las Vegas / Cleveland / Dallas / NYC / Vancouver, BC
“Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing.”
Dr. Albert Einstein